Medicine is a vast area that cannot be emphasized enough. Today patients are suffering from innumerable diseases like arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, asthma, fever, cold-flu, or some recurring diseases which are common and can be treated with medicines. At Eskag Sanjeevani we cater to the needs of the patient and treat them accordingly. Patients are given comprehensive care, protection, support, and the best treatment for their ailments.
General medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with prevention, diagnosis, and non-surgical treatment of the disease of internal organs. Before the management cause of the disease is evaluated thoroughly as treatment modalities depend on them. The department emphasizes on early detection of a few disorders that can be prevented by changing sedentary lifestyles.
At Eskag Sanjeevani we provide outpatient settings along with complete care for hospitalized patients. Our nurses and staff are on round-the-clock duty catering to the patients.
Our team of medical specialists is highly educated and experienced physicians and their holistic approach towards a patient allows the patient to be at ease. The team of doctors, nurses and entire staff works with an aim to help people with an illness or disease. They strive towards the wellness of the patients. They provide a broad range of treatments to patients with the multiorgan disease.
The focus of Eskag Sanjeevani is to deliver multidisciplinary care to patients of all ages and groups. Department also provides health education and counselling to facilitate the fast recovery of the patient. The department is fully equipped with the latest machines and advanced technology.
Visit our nearest unit or contact us now for any queries!